Reclaim your voice after trauma.
Has your difficult past blocked your ability to express yourself? You are in the right place.
“My voice was taken away” is something I have heard many times. Individuals often go through difficult and painful experiences that leave them feeling hesitant to express themselves and use their voice. If this sounds like you, you may be feeling shutdown, trapped, choked, blocked, afraid to be seen and heard. This can feel scary, frustrating, and disempowering!
People who have come to see me have shared struggles like:
“I am afraid to speak up for myself!”
“I want to be more assertive but I don’t know how.”
“No one wants to hear what I have to say.”
“My voice is not as powerful/commending/beautiful as it should be.”
“My voice gives away my vulnerability/grief/fear/shame, so I just keep my mouth shut.”
“I am terrified to perform or sing, I am thinking of quitting.”
“Speaking in front of a crowd makes me cringe!”
No matter what your background is, your voice DOES matter and you DESERVE to reclaim YOUR voice.
What’s at stake if you don’t take action is that the frustration and disempowerment get worse. This mechanism will keep your voice hidden away, and you become more discouraged as time goes on.
Change is possible! I know how hard it is to struggle and wonder if it will ever get better. It will get better, starting today!