Get Your Voice Heard. 

If you have been struggling trying to speak up and express yourself, feeling afraid of sharing your voice, and fearing not being heard nor valued, you are not alone.

You might be so tired of feeling hesitant in sharing your true voice and your true self to people. You are tired of feeling disconnected and discouraged. You may want to say what's on your mind, you want to hear your voice say it loud and clear. You want to share your art, you want to give that amazing presentation. You want to tell that secret that's been buried for so long. You want to say that "That's enough" and that "I love you." You feel like you are finally ready to reach out.

It's understandable to feel hesitant when expressing yourself to others and trying to get them to hear you and understand you. This can happen in personal and professional settings. Sometimes, that nervousness can manifest as a difficult block that is constantly in the way of you getting your voice heard. Next thing you know, you simply feel too agitated or too withdrawn to even try.

You often find yourself thinking: "I am too nervous to speak up or share what I need to share"

"What if I am shamed and ridiculed?"

"What if this just confirms I should just keep my mouth shut next time?"

"What's the point in trying? What I have to say/show does not matter."

“My voice is giving away how vulnerable I feel"

As a result you feel scared, frustrated, lost and hopeless.

The truth is, your voice DOES matter and NEEDS to be heard.

What’s at stake if you don’t take action is things feeling worse. Your frustration and fear keep your voice even more hidden away, you feel taken for granted, and become more discouraged as time goes on. You are in the right place, change is possible.

 I know how hard it is to struggle and wonder if it will ever get better. I have dedicated my life to helping people overcome their blocks and finally feel heard. I know how to help you thrive in your self-expression. I also know how hard it is to reach out and get started with a specialist. I promise to do everything in my power to make the next steps as easy and as clear as possible.

I am glad you are here. I want you to know that your struggles can start getting better today.

“Needs and feelings remain unmet and the voice becomes inaudible, tight and tense, breathy and undefined, or simply untrue; perhaps lovely to listen to but not connected to the core of the person. In essence, the traumatized person often survives by forfeiting her own voice.”

- Diane Austin